Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Thought Police

Chip and Joanna Gaines
Ok, ok, ok... I was mad when I wrote Bedrooms and Minds.  I'll admit it.  But I wasn't wrong.

Since I wrote that piece yesterday, I've followed the story on my twitter account and I'm continually amazed at the idiocy I see displayed.

Some who are on Chip and Joanna's side are saying things about Christians being persecuted.  Those on the other side are saying that there is no persecution of Christians in America: just ask the Christians in Syria.

Of course, both have valid points, but neither have hit on the real danger of all of this.  The real issue is freedom.  The LGBT movement demands their own freedom in the same breath that they demand censorship of anyone who doesn't agree with them.

They violate all rules of fair play.  I think that's why so many react negatively to their movement.  It's not homophobia as they claim.  It's that we are being asked to be the team that can't win because the rules won't allow it.  Who wants to play on that team?  Not me.  In fact, I won't.  If I play, I'll play on a level field.  This requires that we stop the game and re-write the rules.

This is the kind of thing that I wrote about in Ideas or Issues.  The left wants to keep the debate focused on issues; that way they can keep us believing that the rules are actually fair.  But the rules aren't fair.  The ideas underlying the rules are full of inconsistencies.

United Nations Flag
What kind of America will we have if we allow people to censure our very thoughts?  The way things stand right now, many of us feel guilty for thinking things that fail the politically correct test.  That's because we've been inundated with PC thought for several decades.  It's become part of our cultural norm.  If you're old enough to remember the early days of PC, you will recall how stupid most Americans thought it was.  But it's not a joke anymore.  It's dangerous.

As I wrote in Tolerating Picasso, tolerance doesn't mean agreement.  It means loving someone with whom you disagree.  Big difference.  But, the left in America has convinced us that we aren't tolerant unless we agree with them.  Notice that they don't offer to be tolerant and agree with us.  It's all very one-sided.

Of course, none of this is new.  This has been the left's MO all along.  It was just couched in politically correct double-speak so that it appeared more reasonable than it actually was.  That's all changing now.  The witch hunts of the left are becoming increasingly bizarre and they are outing themselves better that anyone else could.

University campuses not allowing the American Flag to be flown.  Towns who fly the United Nations flag over their courthouse instead of the American Flag.  Riots over justified police shootings.  Silence when officers are hunted and killed.  Refusal to deport or imprison illegals with criminal records.

And, of course, calling out Chip and Joanna for going to church.
Nancy Pelosi
Consider this one example: Nancy Pelosi is Catholic.  Do you suppose that she's ever been called out for attending mass at a church which is very clear on its position about homosexuality?  Of course not.

The double standards are stacking upon themselves so high that the tower is beginning to fall.  America is, for the first time, collectively seeing the tower, which once looked impenetrable, start to crumble under it's own weight.

Perhaps the double-speak is losing it grip on our culture.  Let's pray that it does.

Single-mindedly yours,


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