Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Racism Abounds

Melania Trump
Just when I think that America is in trouble, I see headlines that tell me that everything will be alright.  I am comforted to know that there are proud Americans who are willing and able to stand against the tyranny of people like me.

And probably you, too.

Racist Brainwashing

Here's an example of what I'm talking about:

Melania Trump, sent a few books to some schools around the country.  She says that she was simply trying to promote literacy.

What a vanilla cover story!  Seriously, who can take the Trumps ... uh ... seriously.

As any objective observer can see, this is plainly subversive.

Liz Phipps Soeiro
One librarian in particular, Liz Phipps Soeiro, in Cambridge, Massachusetts saw through the Trump's plot and so refused to have the books in her library.

You see, what Liz had discovered is that Mel chose books which were loaded with racist material.  It's all very distasteful and offensive. 

    Brains are scrubbed, Brains are washed.
    All free thinking is quashed, quashed, quashed.

I hate subversion.

Really, though, I should've known that Melly would send something terrible to a bunch of impressionable kids.

The Trumps are like that; just read the papers.  It's all there.

Dr. Seuss with His Racist Goons
For completeness sake, I should mention that the offending author was none other than Dr. Seuss.

Yep, Theodor Geisel himself.

Of course, Teddy is a well-known racist.  He's been circulating nasty, filthy racist books all these years but you and I didn't catch it.  I reckon we didn't see it because we were all raised on Dr. Geisel's books.  See?  We're all part of the problem.  We've been brainwashed.

    Would he, could he, fool Liz though?
    He could not.  It's just not so.
    Could she, would she, see right through?
    Yes she did.  She called it poo.

Lizzy unlocked Trump's dirty little secret and she thumbed her nose at the president with one little revelation.  Sort of like David and his sling.

    One bird, two birds in her hand.
    With just one rock she took a stand.

That's the America we can be proud of.  We can all rest happy and secure knowing that a few kids in Cambridge, Mass have been saved from a lifetime of racism.

Thank God that Lizzy was there!

Liz wearing the Hat of the Cat
Interesting, however, is the fact that she only recently came to her realization about Dr. Seuss.  Not long before her rejection of Melly's gift, Liz hosted a birthday party for Dr. Seuss.  She even dressed up for the occasion.

Since we know from her explanation that the Cat in a Hat is an offensive and obvious reference to the blackface performers of yesteryear, we can deduce that, until very recent times, Liz was, herself, part of the brainwashed multitudes.

    She was shackled; she was chained,

    The bonds of racism had her claimed!

    But she
            threw them,
                    threw them,
                            threw them

    No longer, indeed, was she a clown!

I'm so glad that she finally saw the error of our ways and took the brave step to leave the herd.

"Hats" off to you Liz.

She now can see the racism which abounds in every nook and cranny of America.

    A racist here, a racist there.
    He's in a chair; he's under the stair.
    He wears a hat; he looks like a cat.
    My, my, my, imagine that.

Michelle reads Seuss to the kiddos
Even Michelle Obama is under the spell.  Perhaps the scariest thing of all is that someone like Michelle Obama, who has been under the thumb of oppressive white America all of her life, can't even tell that the Cat is there to mock her.

    Shame on the Cat.
    Shame on his Hat.

Damn that Horton and his Who!

Liz not the Only Heroine

Saphia Jackson
But, it's not just Liz who deserves the praise, oh no.  There are others like her around the country who are busy with the task of digging out the racists among us.

Thank God they're there to help us see the errors of our traditions.

There's a gal in Los Angeles who found something truly remarkable.

Her name is Saphia Jackson.  She's studying Philosophy, Politics and Law at The University of Southern California. 

Clearly a serious young lady.

She's also active on campus, serving as co-director of the USC Black Student Assembly.

She, like Liz, had a realization.  And I'm so happy that she did.  As an avid college football fan, I have never liked USC.  So I'm always happy to learn that they've been up to subversive, anti-American, racist activities.

You'll have to follow the thread here a bit because the links to endemic racism are, perhaps, a bit obscure.  Rest assured, however, that the link will be clear as a sunshiny day once you see it.

As you may or may not know, USC's mascot is a Trojan.  (Not the protective device.  Geez, grow up.)

At the games, the Trojan rides out onto the field upon his white steed.  (It's important to note that the steed is white.  Remember this; you'll need it later.)

If you hate USC like I do, you already hate that damn Trojan and the horse he rode in on.

But, I digress.

The horse has a name.  (Here's where it gets interesting.)  His name is Traveler.

General Robert E. Lee
As it so happens (and one would be insane to think that it is only a coincidence) General Robert E. Lee's horse was named Traveller.  Ha!

Gotcha USC.

You bunch of racist bastards.

You even tried to trick us by taking one of the "Ls" out of your horse's name.  But now, thanks to her penetrating analysis, and her exemplary use of revisionist history, Saffie has uncovered this decades long conspiracy to subvert America and keep us bound in the chains of racism.

To top it all off, they used a white horse to do it.  Arrrrrrrgh!!!!!  I can just feel the hatred and the arrogance of those racist sons-a-bitches.  They've been laughing at us all of these decades because we didn't get it.

I always did hate those arrogant USC lowlifes and that stallion.

Now I know why.

My Own Research

At this point, I have to admit that I'm a bit embarrassed about the life I've lived.  I have not done my share.  Not by a longshot.  I talk about ending racism in America, but I do nothing about it.

I'm more than embarrassed.  I'm ashamed of myself.

But, the old me is dead.  The new me is on a mission to root out racism wherever it may be found.

Speaking of which, even though my quest has been short, I have already uncovered a bit of latent racism in America.

I was in the grocery store the other day just going about my business when I noticed something:

The olives.

The pretty rows of green olives were looking at me through the pretty glass jars.  My mouth watered for the salty pleasure of the lovely green olives.  They saw me enjoying their beauty and they all winked their pretty red pimentos at me.

Such a wonderful wonder a green olive is.

    On some bread, or on a bun,
    Eating olives is fun, fun, fun.

Then, with horror, I noticed the black olives.


I couldn't see them because they are bound in a metal prison!

Holy cow!  Right in front of me this whole time!  I'd found one of the hidden racist messages hidden in plain sight.  I'm telling you: America is full of 'em.

Those poor black olives are contained and oppressed by the olive producers of America!

What a bunch of sickos.  I think they're all Italians.  All mobbed up.  Most of 'em are prolly named Vinnie or Sal or somesuch.  Maybe a few named Tony, too.  Shouldn't have let them land on Ellis Island way back when.  Bunch of damn pasta rats.

The struggle is real.  Real, I say!!

It's an outrage!

Why haven't we noticed the meaning of this before, you ask?  Because we've all been brainwashed. 

We're all racists even if we don't mean to be.

    Shame on us all.

    Shame on the short,
                           the thin,
                                 the fat,
                                        and the tall.

                  Repent we must,

          and watch,
                and watch we will,

    To kill subversion will be our thrill.

Vigilantly yours,


Legal: No cats, horses, or Trojans were injured in the writing of this post.


  1. Golly, take a deep breath.
    In the report about the rejection of the book donation I read, the explanation was that the books were not needed (already owned) and it would be better to offer them to a library with less fiscal assets.
    A later report appeared to indicate that the Library's Director was not that pleased by the librarian's dismissal of the donation but I never heard any suggestion that she called the books racist.

    Joanne in Massachusetts

    1. Reply To Joanne (Part One)

      Ms. Joanne,

      Thank you so much for commenting on the post. I really appreciate you taking the time to do so. I love your humor, wit, kindness, and your ability to articulate your point. So, I genuinely thank you.

      Unfortunately, I now am obliged to report the facts. I didn't really want to turn the post into a news report, preferring to leave it as a satirical piece because a joke is never as funny when you have to explain it.

      I do, however, think that the hyper-racism which is so prevalent in America today deserves to be dealt with seriously, and that takes some facts.

      So, there ya go. I have no choice.

      Some of what you say is true. Liz's boss wasn't happy at all with her decision to turn down the donation. She was told that she didn't have the authority to do that.

      It is also true that one of the reasons Liz gave in her rejection letter had to do with fiscal responsibility. Namely that there were underprivileged schools with more need than her school. It is indeed true that Liz's school has a well stocked library, and, thus, didn't need the donation, but, as an explanation for her rejection it rings a bit hollow. More on this in a moment.

      As far as the racist comments by Liz, that is actually true. Please believe that I would never make an accusation like that without evidence. According to the Washington Post (and other media outlets and a released copy of the letter) Liz said this in a letter to Melania Trump, [Seuss' illustrations are] "steeped in racist propaganda, caricatures, and harmful stereotypes.”

      The Washington Post article goes on to say, "Phipps Soeiro points to recent literature that addresses potential racism in Seuss’s work, including a book by professor of children’s literature Philip Nel that argues Seuss’s depiction of the Cat in the Hat was based on racial stereotypes and inspired by traditions of blackface entertainment.

      "She also calls Seuss “a bit of a cliché” and a “tired and worn ambassador for children’s literature” in her letter posted on the Horn Book, a publication covering literature for children and adults."

      The schools around the country that received a donation were chosen by the Department of Education. Recipients were chosen based upon academic excellence, not need. That may or may not be right, but that's how it was done.

      We might pause to point out that the Cambridge city council wants to impeach Donald Trump, but the White House still decided to send a gift to a school in Cambridge. Who's being more mature here? I'm not a huge Trump fan, so I can say this freely: if Trump's manners compare favorable against your own, there may be a problem.

      The reasons that I believe that Liz's motivation had nothing to do with the varying needs of different schools are twofold. The first is something that she said in her letter to Trump:

    2. Reply to Joanne (Part Two)

      [Trump should instead be devoting resources to schools in] “underfunded and underprivileged communities” that are “marginalized and maligned by policies put in place by Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos.”

      It's the bit at the end about Betsy DeVos that gives her away. She has taken this "stand" because she doesn't like the current administration. Of course, that's fine. None of us should have a problem with that. I do, however, take issue with the fact that she's not making that argument. She's using her own opinions as facts to take a swipe at the president's administration. I think that that is underhanded. I would call it a lie, but I'm too nice for that.

      The second reason that I think Liz is politically motivated is because she's a well known supporter of leftist causes. There's nothing wrong with that, of course; we live in America. But our right to free speech and freedom of political affiliation also means that others are able to hear and see what we believe and how we behave. Her agenda is perfectly clear by her words and actions, so why doesn't she just say so? The answer is clear: she wants to give the appearance of an objectivity which she does not possess.

      Lastly, I'll say this. She believes that Dr. Seuss books are too racist to be included in her school? Fine. Her solution? Send them to the underprivileged. Huh?


      P.S. Do we really believe that she'd have send the same books back to Michelle Obama? C'mon.
