Thursday, September 20, 2018

I Told Ya So!!

Judge Brett Kavanaugh
I wish that I was reluctant to say, "I told you so," but that's not true.  I'm not reluctant at all.

Reluctant or not, having to point out that I'm right is so common of an occurrence that it's almost tiresome.  Doesn't mean that I'll stop doing it, though.

Those who follow my little blog may recall that, on Tuesday, July 10, 2018, I published a post entitled: The Unseemly Art of Borking.  Go check it out if you want to see the predictions I made about Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation process.

Then you'll see why I'm saying, "Told ya so."

I wish that it was a tough prediction to make, but it warnt too damn hard.

The Dems hate people who like the constitution and they like justices who think that it's a good idea for the court to make up rules for the rest of us to live by.

So, when a guy like Kavanaugh shows up on the Senate hearing floor, the response is predictable.

The Alleged Gropee
Here's the deal.  There's this chick who wrote a letter to The Honorable (cough) Senator Diane Feinstein a couple of months ago as the hearings were gearing up.  In this letter, the aforementioned chick says that a teen-aged Kavanaugh tried to take off her clothes at a pool party.  She was a teenager, too, btw.

She first spoke of this about 6 years ago to a therapist and to her husband.  Says it traumatized her.


DiFi (the intrepid senator) keeps the letter secret during the hearings and never says a word, never asks Judge Kavanaugh a single question about the accusations in the letter.


This past week, however, as the confirmation vote draws nigh, DiFi releases the hounds.

Why now, you say?

Uh... cuz Judge Klean-cut is on the fast track to be confirmed, and she don't like that too very much.


Some of the details of this are pretty interesting.

1. Chick-A-Dee can't remember exactly when it happened.

2. Can't remember where it happened.

3. She's crystal clear about what happened, although the account given to her therapist in 2012 differs significantly from her 2018 account.

4. She wants her voice to be heard, but she doesn't want to actually testify under oath.

There's more, but you get the idea.

This gal, who had this horrific, life changing experience can't remember when or where it happened?  Is she serious?

Anyway, the point of the post is not to decide upon the veracity of a story of a couple of teens rasslin' and rubbin' at a early 80's pool party. 

The point is to say that I was right.  I predicted this two months ago.

So, kids, you wonder why I want you to know your history? 

The reason is that the same bullshit keeps dropping from the same bulls. 

If you study the fossilized droppings of the bulls who have gone before, you'll be able to tell when the present-day bulls are about to splat a patty on The Senate floor.

Or the House of Representatives.

Or Pennsylvania Avenue.  (That's where the White House is; don't be a moron.)

I'm trying hard to feel good about the prediction I made, but, truth is, anyone with a history book couldn't have done the same thing.

The moral of this story...

Read a book. 

Quit looking at your phone all the time.

Watch the news. 

Don't be a moron.


p.s. Get off my lawn.

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