Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Cynicism, Democrats, and Modern American Slavery

As those of you who have been reading my blog know, I've thought much about race and identity.  The political situation regarding race in America seems to be undergoing a seismic shift for the first time in decades.  It's about time.

It's popular to say that racial injustice is at an all-time high in the 21st century, but that's just dopey rhetoric for the uneducated amongst us.  The truth, as anyone who lived through formal segregation and Jim Crow laws will tell you, is that racial injustice was not only more prevalent in the past, it was legal!

Admittedly, problems do remain, but the good news is that there is reason for hope.

Try to Imagine This Posted in 2018!

The Conservative Message

I've always said that it's the conservative who has the most positive and uplifting message for all Americans, and that includes those of color.

Our message is that America is the land of opportunity.  You can make it.  You have the head and/or the back to succeed, no matter your race, religion, country of origin, etc.  We believe in the power of the individual to make a difference for himself, his family, his community, his country.

If that sounds like hard work, it is.

The benefit, though, is that we are allowed to look back at a lifetime of achievement rather than a lifetime of dependence.

There are times and situations when an individual needs the help and support of his community.  Conservatives understand this and delight in coming to the aid of our fellow man.  However, we provide this aid to individuals rather than to block groups of those considered to be 'disenfranchised.'

Liberals, however, have a much different point of view.

To understand the liberal agenda, a little trip through time is required...

You millennials call it time-travel; old grouches like me just call it history.  Get your cheeto-covered fingers off the video-game controls and open a book!  While your at it, GET OFF MY LAWN!!

Shiftless whipper-snappers.

But, I digress...

The Great Society

In terms of legality, we've come a long way, baby.

But, in terms of opportunity, we haven't done as well and I think it's fair to ask why.

In the mid-1960's, the Democratic Party, under the leadership of President Lyndon B. Johnson enacted legislation dubbed The Great Society.  Its stated goals were to eliminate poverty and racial injustice.

The real goal, however, was much more cynical and sinister: to enslave an entire class of people.

Yes, I use the word enslave on purpose.

The purpose of enslavement?  To ensure the vote of the enslaved.

There's an old saying:

Those who rob from Peter to pay Paul will always have the support of Paul.

How did they go about it, exactly?

They started with a hand-out and a lie...

The Big Lie

"America has treated you so badly that you'll never be able to recover.  Our plan for you, because we care so much, is to build you free housing and pay for all of your needs.  You need never work again.  That makes what we're doing pretty special, because America will never allow you to have meaningful employment anyway.  Ya know, because we've always treated you badly.  Also, you're not educated enough to get a good job.  While we're on the subject, remember that we're the only ones who want to help you like this.  The rest of America wants you to suffer like you always have.  Thank your lucky stars that we're here to set things right."

That's the basic message from liberals, or progressives, or democrats.  Whatever you want to call them.

It's just awful.

The consequences of this plan deserve exploration.

The plan is loaded with free stuff, but, as we all know, there's no free lunch, and this particular meal was very costly.

To this day, black Americans predominately vote democratic and it all dates to the introduction of The Great Society.

In truth, it's the largest vote buying scheme ever in American history.  The great thing from the Democratic Party's perspective is that they didn't even have to use their own money.  They used mine.  And yours.  And none of it was illegal.

Machiavelli would have loved these guys.  It's a brilliant con.  I mean, ya know, if you don't care about the human misery part.

Other than that, it's perfect.

Speaking of misery, what about the societal costs?

I suspect that you're thinking that I'm overstating the case, but do me the courtesy of following my argument and see what you think.

Black America was plunged into economic disaster.  Enormous housing projects became the norm in major urban centers and poverty reached new lows.  Along with the poverty came lack of opportunity.

Remember that opportunity is the enemy of a slave owner, so welfare recipients have a plethora of disincentives to leave the rolls.

In other words, if you get a job, the money stops.  Why would anyone get a job if their free money gets cut off?  It's lots easier to take the money, right?

Also, if you're married, the checks aren't as large.  This incentivizes single parent homes and completely disenfranchises the black male.

This, in turn, created an entire generation of young black men without responsibility and without father figures.  Keep in mind that men are men, no matter what color they are, and all men need a few basic things in order to be healthy.  We need to belong.  We need an adventure.  We need a quest.  We need someone to rescue.  A father teaches his sons how to quest properly.  Without fatherly influence in a community, the young men try to duplicate these things without guidance and always turn a healthy need into a perversion.

Lack of opportunity and disenfranchisement naturally led to the quick gains of illegal activity and the security of the only brotherhood available: gangs.

The really sick thing about all of this is that it's perfectly predictable.  The architects of The Great Society knew what they were doing and they didn't care.  They were interested in the votes and the power that comes from those votes.  Not to mention the money.

Colonel Allen West
Perhaps, somewhere along this path, you've thought to yourself that I'm picking on blacks.  I'm not.  I believe that this scenario can play out with any race given the right circumstances.  It just so happens that, in America, the demographic that was most vulnerable at the time happened to be black.

In fact, similar dependence was created in rural America among impoverished whites.  The effect isn't quite as apparent because this population is more decentralized and out of the easy view of the crowded urban centers of our major cities.

Incidentally, the new target of the same vote-buying scheme is Hispanics.  Do you really think that Democrats care about the rights of Hispanics?  Smell the roses; they've identified a new group that they believe they can control. 

They were (and continue to be) all lied to and conned.

And it breaks my heart.

Glimmers of Hope

Justice Clarence Thomas

There are glimmers of hope, however.

The past couple of years has seen a few conservative black voices begin to have some traction.

To be sure, there have been black conservative voices throughout the years, but they've not really had much traction within the black community.

Men like Ken Hamblin and Clarence Thomas and JC Watts and Allen West.

If you want an inspiring story of a black man negotiating segregated America, check out Ken Hamblin's Pick a Better Country, or Clarence Thomas' My Grandfather's Son.

This is just a small sample of the amazing black conservatives that America can produce.  Men who've paved the way for a new breed of black conservatives.

Diamond and Silk

For women like Diamond and Silk.

And Candace Owens.

I'm particularly fond of Candace Owens.  She's smart, principled, articulate, and pretty.  Not that being pretty makes a difference; I just thought I'd throw that in.

When I hear a black woman speak of the enslavement which I've witnessed over the course of my lifetime, my heart swells with hope.

The hope that my American black brothers and sisters may find their way out of the morass created by scheming politicians.

Again, lest you think this is somehow racial on my part, bear in mind that the politicians who created this whole system were white and I loathe them with all of my being.


p.s. Lyndon B. Johnson was a Grade-A sonuvabitch.

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