Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Cynicism, Democrats, and Modern American Slavery

As those of you who have been reading my blog know, I've thought much about race and identity.  The political situation regarding race in America seems to be undergoing a seismic shift for the first time in decades.  It's about time.

It's popular to say that racial injustice is at an all-time high in the 21st century, but that's just dopey rhetoric for the uneducated amongst us.  The truth, as anyone who lived through formal segregation and Jim Crow laws will tell you, is that racial injustice was not only more prevalent in the past, it was legal!

Admittedly, problems do remain, but the good news is that there is reason for hope.

Try to Imagine This Posted in 2018!

The Conservative Message

I've always said that it's the conservative who has the most positive and uplifting message for all Americans, and that includes those of color.

Our message is that America is the land of opportunity.  You can make it.  You have the head and/or the back to succeed, no matter your race, religion, country of origin, etc.  We believe in the power of the individual to make a difference for himself, his family, his community, his country.

If that sounds like hard work, it is.

The benefit, though, is that we are allowed to look back at a lifetime of achievement rather than a lifetime of dependence.

There are times and situations when an individual needs the help and support of his community.  Conservatives understand this and delight in coming to the aid of our fellow man.  However, we provide this aid to individuals rather than to block groups of those considered to be 'disenfranchised.'

Liberals, however, have a much different point of view.

To understand the liberal agenda, a little trip through time is required...

You millennials call it time-travel; old grouches like me just call it history.  Get your cheeto-covered fingers off the video-game controls and open a book!  While your at it, GET OFF MY LAWN!!

Shiftless whipper-snappers.

But, I digress...

The Great Society

In terms of legality, we've come a long way, baby.

But, in terms of opportunity, we haven't done as well and I think it's fair to ask why.

In the mid-1960's, the Democratic Party, under the leadership of President Lyndon B. Johnson enacted legislation dubbed The Great Society.  Its stated goals were to eliminate poverty and racial injustice.

The real goal, however, was much more cynical and sinister: to enslave an entire class of people.

Yes, I use the word enslave on purpose.

The purpose of enslavement?  To ensure the vote of the enslaved.

There's an old saying:

Those who rob from Peter to pay Paul will always have the support of Paul.

How did they go about it, exactly?

They started with a hand-out and a lie...

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

The Unseemly Art of Borking

This post is for all you youngsters out there.  Here at the Reckonings' International Headquarters, we define youngster as, "anyone under the age of 40, or so."

As the age of the staff here at HQ increases, so will the definition of youngster.

Speaking of definitions, I have one for ya.  See if you can guess the definition:


1.  n.  A Cajun Beef and Pork sausage well-seasoned to perfection.

2.  n.  An idiot (Dork) who has been bonked on the head.

3.  v.  Obstruct (someone, especially a candidate for public office) by systematically defaming or vilifying them.

President Ronald W. Reagan
If you guessed 1 or 2, you're prolly a dork who needs a bonk on the head.  Although, number one actually sounds pretty good.

If you are unfamiliar with the concept of borking, you're about to get a first class demonstration of the process.  Since Democratic senators invented this blood sport, they're the perfect group to show you how it's done.  And they will do just that in the weeks to come.

See, wha' happen wuz...

Way back in 1987 (ancient history to you youngsters, just yesterday to the rest of us old-timers) the Hon. Ronald W. Reagan nominated a judge by the name of Robert Bork to fill a vacancy on the Supreme Court.

Holy cow, you'd have thought he nominated Satan himself.

Within 45 minutes, Sen. Edward "Teddy" Kennedy, of "his car doesn't float" fame, (that's an even older story, kids) was predicting the end of civilization if Judge Bork was confirmed.  No kidding.

Take a look at this clip of Kennedy describing "Bork's America"

The Borking Begins
And the Borking Begins

Women forced into back-alley abortions?

Blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters?

Rogue police could break down citizens' doors in midnight raids?

Schoolchildren could not be taught about evolution?

Writers and artists could be censored at the whim of the Government?

Doors of the Federal courts would be shut on the fingers of millions of citizens?

Holy bad guys, Batman, who was this monster?!