Wednesday, June 28, 2017

American Vitriol

Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA)
I didn't really want to talk more about the shooting of Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) again, but, in light of the comments made over the past two weeks, I feel compelled to do so.  See America the Beautiful for my first post on this subject.

On the plus side, we have seen genuine outpourings of love and compassion expressed across all political spectra.  It's so pleasant to see political enemies express heartfelt sadness and support in the wake of such tragedy.  It's how families are supposed to act; it's how Americans are supposed to act.

On the other hand, there are political enemies who haven't been acting like proper siblings.

Here are some examples:

Representative  Keith Ellison (D-MN) claims that the president has created a "culture of incivility" which allows crazed individuals to "go off the rails."

"What I think is when the president says ‘punch them in the face,' ‘carry them out in a stretcher,' he creates a culture of incivility which sort of lets anybody who's loosely hinged to reality just sort of go off the rails."

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

America the Beautiful

Rep. Steve Scalise, R-LA
I've been thinking a bit about the shootings in Alexandria, VA last week.  The attack wounded Congressman Steve Scalise (R-LA) and several others. Capitol Police officers David Bailey and Crystal Griner, who were present as part of Scalise's security detail, responded with a counter-attack and killed the shooter.  Both were wounded in the process.  Witnesses believe that they saved lives by their quick and decisive action.

That's the bare-bones story.  But it leaves us with much to think about regarding the divisiveness present in America these days.

Have we really reached a point in America in which we cannot disagree without physical violence?

The more I think of this particular shooting, the sicker I get.  The angrier I become.

This shooting does not represent the America I know and love.

Anyone who thinks it does, is deranged.

The shock of this outrage lasted but a few minutes in some quarters, if it even existed at all.  Within days, while he was still unconscious, Scalise's political detractors said that his shooting was "self-inflicted to some degree"

Why was it self-inflicted?

Because of his politics, of course.


Thursday, June 1, 2017

Lucky Man

I'm feeling a bit sentimental this morning, so, for just a few minutes, I'll shed my curmudgeonly nature.

A couple of days ago, my daughter, Becky, called and asked if I'd like to meet her for lunch.  As she lives 2-3 hours away, it was something of a sacrifice for her.  Of course, I said yes.  What man in his right mind turns down lunch with a beautiful, smart, witty, and talented daughter?  Right?

As we were standing in the restaurant waiting to be seated, I glanced up and my son was standing next to us.  He lives 15 hours away (in Denver, CO) and was in town for business.  I didn't know he was in town, so I was shocked to see him.

Wow.  Lunch with two of my three kids.  And it was their idea!  That's what I've been thinking about.  They wanted to spend time with their old man.  Naturally, they expected me to pay, so it could be that they just wanted a free meal, but I'll choose not to dwell upon that for the time being.  It would be too curmudgeonly to do so.

As if their mere presence wasn't enough, Becky came bearing gifts for a combo Father's Day/Birthday.  She gave me the nicest photo of her and me from her wedding 5 months ago.  I love photos from my kids.  Every one is always displayed proudly.

In addition to the photograph, she gave me a six-pack of TurboDog, some coffee, and some espresso candy.  She knows her dad!

Also, her wit was on full display with the Father's Day card she choose.  Here's the front:

And here's the inside:

I'm still laughing about it.  When she was little, I used to say that she was snarky.  Methinks that she's not outgrown it.